Your Wednesday savings challenge is to recycle as much as possible. Or, at least think of ways to recycle. Make a list to see how many tips for recycling you can come up with. Recycling not only saves money, it saves our resources and the environment. Everyone wins when you recycle. Recycling is not just for homemade kids crafts any more. Many items can recycled for everyday household uses. Don't throw anything away until you think of at least three alternative uses for recycling it. Here are a few recycling tips to get you started thinking about recycling.
Egg cartons. Both cardboard and styrofoam cartons are well known in craft making circles for a variety of craft needs. Styrofoam egg cartons also can be recycled to use as reserve ice cube trays. If you're having a party and need some extra ice, cut these in half and use the bottom for individual ice cubes. The top can even be used to make one large cube for a punch bowl. Or, leave top on to make for easier stacking of water filled bottoms. Just close the lid to stack one on top of the other. The separated little compartments are great for storing and organizing small items such as, Christmas ornaments, buttons, nuts and bolts, jewelry, coins, etc. Gardeners will love to use egg cartons as seed starters. There are many more recycle uses for egg cartons. See how many you can think of.
Coffee Cans. The newer, no can opener required, coffee cans are great for recycling. You don't have to worry anymore about dangerous sharp edges. Use for storage, make a piggy bank, bake perfectly round bread, make play instruments (drums and noise makers) for children, houseplant saucers, and much more. I'm sure you can think of a few more recycle uses for coffee cans right now!
Foam Food Trays. These make great toy airplanes. Cut out your own patterns and use cleaned foam food trays to cut out pieces and put together. Reuse as disposable serving platters for picnics, barbeques, or parties. Use to cut shapes for mini wreaths, Christmas ornaments, and a variety of other craft uses.
Magazines. Use the colorful pages for small gift wrapping. Roll up to make boot trees that help keep boots in shape during storage. Save for future use in kids crafts and collages.
Garden hose. Cover swing set chains. Protect saw blades or ice skate blades (slit lengthwise and fit over saw or skate blade). Make a play phone from a cut piece with funnels (or cans) attached to each end.
Each time you go to throw an item away, whether it be a can, carton, or box, stop and think of how many ways you can recycle it. Use it for that recycled purpose if it suits your needs. If not, just write it down on your recycling list. Thinking of recycling uses can be a fun game, too. Ask other family members to help. Make it a game. Have each person write down as many uses for an item that they can think of. Research books on recycling at your local library to learn more recycling tips. At the end of Waste Not Wednesday you'll surely have thought of some useful recycling ideas that suit your personal needs.
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