Just as spending management is your financial crystal ball, budget planning is predicting the future. When you analyze your spending and plan for it, you are budgeting for your household and personal spending. It's not enough, however, to simply get by for today. The way to realize financial success is to predict, and plan a budget for, future spending as well. A complete money management system will provide tools for predicting and preparing for future spending.
Seeing beyond today's spending, and planning for future spending, is the way to achieve your predictions for future financial goals. Let's say you predict that you will be free from debt. You set a goal to become debt free. You create a practical debt elimination program and include the amount for payment in your budget plan. Your budget now includes a plan to set aside money so funds are available when payment is due. And, your goal to become debt free is achieved on schedule.
If you're financially able, you may predict and plan for other financial needs at the same time. Otherwise, predicting, planning, and achieving each goal in order of priority is a logical way to approach all of your financial goals. Reviewing current and past spending and situations can aid you in predicting future needs for yourself and other family members.
You look into your crystal ball and see that sometime in the future you will probably need a family car replacement, or major repairs on the current family car. Planning for future spending is one of the great benefits of a complete spending management system. Budgets allow preparation for predictable and unpredictable (emergency) expenses. You predict how much money, and when, you will need to accomplish a goal ( or fulfill a need ) and plan for it accordingly. Set aside a specific amount each pay period to meet the needs of a goal.
Include preparation for life's unpredictable emergencies in your budget plan as well. This will keep you more focused during times of need. This theory applies to every goal you have set. Whether your crystal ball foresees a new home, a college education, a wedding, or other major life change, you will plan and save for this future spending in your budget.
By now, you should be realizing the benefits of having your own crystal ball to guide you down the path to financial independence. You should also understand why budgeting is an important part of complete spending management. Budgeting will prepare you for whatever the future holds for you and your family. Emergencies will be merely obstacles that might set you back somewhat. They will no longer be financially devastating events.
Give yourself a clear picture of your financial future. Predict what you want (or will need) and plan for your goals accordingly. Budgeting for current and future spending is essential to realizing your financial predictions, independence, and security. So, what are you waiting for? Look into your crystal ball and start your budget plan today!
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