I tried to get started using Microsoft Money several times. But after getting it going I found that it just didn't really help my finances. Most people find they are not better off after using Quicken. In spite of all that Money does it does not solve the fundamental problem that keeps most people from achieving their financial goals, and that is managing their spending. The key is budgeting, but not the traditional approach. Money uses the traditional after-the-fact approach, basically a month-end reconciliation of budget to actual spending, which simply does not work. Imagine trying to manage your grocery or clothing spending but not knowing how much you have spent in each until the end of the month. It just doesn't work. You need accurate, up-to-date information for each spending category right when you make a spending decision. You cannot wait until the end of the month.
Something New!
I found a great option to using MS Money to manage my personal finances. It is called Mvelopes Personal. Mvelopes Personal allows you to easily create a budget with dynamic spending accounts that provide you with daily, up-to-date balance information for each spending category. You always know how much money you have left to spend in each category, and how long it has to last. You can then begin to manage your spending, and lay the foundation for reaching your financial goals. Take a look at the following key feature differences that make Mvelopes different.
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