Friday, November 2, 2007

What Kind of Budget Planner are You?

There are a few different types of planners when it comes to managing budgets. The invisible planner neglects to track, manage, or take the time to update the budget. This planner seems to think if you create a budget it will take care of finances for you. All by itself. The passive planner takes a look at the budget on occasion but, really doesn't bother to take action when the figures don't add up? You might be a passive planner if you think that your budget will fix itself. Gee, these are two really great budgets, where do I get one? The efficient planner seeks to keep the budget alive and well. This planner has a realistic view of budgeting. So how do you become the efficient budget planner?

Set realistic expectations for yourself. We all want to be efficient budget planners. However, sometimes we make it hard on ourselves to achieve efficient budgeting. Many people set unrealistic budgeting goals and set themselves up for defeat from the start. Being more realistic with budgeting methods and figures can be easier and prove to be more efficient. If you're an invisible or passive budgeting planner, seek out the most efficient budgeting tools that meet your needs. The easier you make it on yourself, the more likely you are to follow through with budgeting tasks like budget tracking, updating, and maintaining.

Set realistic amounts for budget expenses. If you traditionally spend $500 on food each month, don't try to make your budget balance by decreasing the amount to $300. That is of course unless, you intend to actively use some money saving strategies to meet that goal. If $300 is a realistic goal, then go for it by all means. Follow this concept with all your expenses. Set realistic goals based on past spending. Then, if income and expenses don't balance, you can reduce spending in categories that you can (and will) most realistically make an effort to reduce.
Set realistic goals. If you have a huge debt payment, you're likely not to have the funds for savings until you eliminate debt. Plan to manage and eliminate debt first, then apply those freed up funds to savings and investment goals. Planning your goals to be achieved in a logical, realistic, time period and order will increase your chances of success at overall budget planning. Be sure to designate short and long term goals accordingly.

Budgeting is all about being real. Getting a real grasp on your finances. Being true to yourself and your financial needs is essential to your budget planning success. Don't plan a high finance budget on a moderate finance income. Be real with yourself. Everyone is different and has different financial goals and needs. Decide what you need to survive and be happy. What are you willing to realistically give up, or cut to the minimum, to make your budget plan work? Don't expect yourself to make major lifestyle and personality changes to suit your budget plan. Especially, if you've tried this in the past and failed. Instead, when planning your budget, create a realistic plan that suits your individual needs and personality. You'll be more likely to stick to it and succeed at achieving your financial goals.

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